It is July and Elvis is the hottest entertainer in the country. He is getting bigger every day. Earlier Ed Sullivan said he would never have Elvis on his show. After Allen killed him in the rating with Elvis on, Ed was calling Parker before the could get out of CBS's studios. So Elvis was signed for three episodes of the Sullivan show. Elvis was to be paid $50,000 for his appearances. Elvis was to make his first appearance on September 9,1956. Sullivan has been in an automobile accident in August and would not be able to host the show. Elvis was not in New York for his frist appearance. He would be singing from Hollywood. Elvis would sing Love Me Tender,Hound Dog,Don't Be Cruel, and Ready Teddy. Elvis is in great form as usual. He really rocks, and goes all out on Ready Teddy. This was a step up for Elvis. It did not get any bigger than Ed Sullivan when it came to television. The host for the evening in Sullivan's place was actor Charles Laughton. He would talk about four gold records he had on stage with him. They were for Elvis, each for a different single selling over a million. Even though Sullivan had Elvis on, I don't think his mind had changed any about him. Some people have said Elvis was buried into the show and did not open the show like most headliners on Ed's show did. Either way it did not matter, Elvis was in most of the country's living rooms that night. Some were amazed and some appalled. Either way it was just one more thing that Elvis knocked out of the park during those years when he truly ruled. Elvis would appear two more times on the show, each better then the last. Also, each would help become even bigger then he already was. This is not up to par with some of the Dorsey Shows as far as entertaining performances, but still is good. Elvis opened the show by saying this"This is probably the greatest honor I’ve ever had in my life. Ah. There’s not much I can say except, it really makes you feel good". That lets you in on how important this was to Elvis. Below is the last number Elvis did on the show. After singing three songs and being pretty tame. He tore into Ready Teddy.
Mike Edwards and Vince Everett are two guys that are big Elvis fans and feel the need to ramble on about the greatest entertainer ever! Enjoy our ramblings. Welcome to our crazy pad!
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